2day iz Amy's nieyn munth annaversaree ov quitting zmokin! Dais iz a piccha ov da prograym zhe uses tah keep trak ov dings. Zhe haz:
9m 3:20 smoke-free, 5,484 cigs nutt smoked, $219.36
saved, 2w 5d 1:00 lyfe saved.
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k
using the sep08.dic dictionary.
Did anybody notice da dynamic nature ov da "Toby's Vokabluary Status" section awn da blog? Nutt onwy duz id give u a liv cownt ov da numbah ov wurds, id alzo shooz da mohst recent wurd added. No chainj haz tah be made tah da blog idzelf foah dais tah wuk; id awl happens "automagically," driven by da dishunary files demselvez. Congrat's Amee! Nutt onwy hav u bin smober foah 9 munths, da mohst recent wurd added iz da plural noun "smobahz," witch any dumb bunny knows means "munths ov smobriety."
U muz be awful smaht ta kno how ta do dese tingz, TcT! Pretty cul.
You go Girl! Tobee and Mika and Mike must all be so proud of you. So am I!
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