Wed Oct 15, 11:15 PM ET
US Republikun prezadentul nominee Senadur John MikCain (R-AZ) reakz tah almozt hedin da wrong way off da stage aftah shaykin hands wid Demokatik prezadentul nominee Senadur Barack Ohbamah (D-IL) at da cunclueshun ov da fynul prezadentul debate at Hofstra Younaversitee in Hempstead, New York, Octobah 15, 2008. REUTERS/Jim Bourg (UNITED STATES)
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2l
The dishunary contains 1022 wurds.
Myke haz bin laffun at dais fur aboot 2 owerz now.
I just noticed that the last line of the translation now tells you how many words are in the dictionary, very cul.
When Ize saw da 1022 in yur poast Ize sayd tah myzelf, "Selv, butz zhe didn't poast er new wurds awn da server, zo ow duz id kno tah bump 1009 upe tah 1022?" Butz denn Ize relised da prograym reads, and counts, da *local* dishunary files, and iz even smaht enuff tah keep incrementing da cownt whin da user ad summ new wuns. Az u za, lead TWEP programmer TcT iz smaht (pat pat pat).
Yeah, 1022. Ize wonder who'll getz da gold stah foah da "Battle ov Hastings" wurd, which'll roll in in 44 mowa. Maybee wee shud hav awards eweree tyme da wurd cownt hits a faymoose date.
When Ize run mye fayverite route, whin Ize getz neah da bottom ov da beeg hill Ize climb mye wahch useyulely reads sumding lyke 19:42 (minuets:seconds ). Butz Ize lyke tah tink ov dais az a date instead and wonder ow far upe da hill I'll be whin Ize hit da present yeer ("20:08") witch wud be 26 seconds later.
I am truelee deranged.
dear deranged - apparently you are in excellent company.
I have joined Myke and am laffun my az off 2.
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