Ize hav juz completed a fairly exhaustive analisis ov awl da dishunary files and dun summ pruning, addig etc. Mohst ov wat Ize did iz borin and technical butz Ize juz wan tah let readers kno dat itz prolly a gud idea tah downlode da current tspeek.zip tah becomb current. I've mined new wurds frum da mohst recent posts and comments, eliminated duplicate definitions, definitions dat azzosheayted Inglish wurds wid real Inglish wurds (witch iz tah be avoided) and multiply-defined wurds.
Leenda tuk summ picchas ov our newly painted front door (wahm mahogany) awn witch a new wreath hangs and Ize wuz tinking ov turning dem into wun ov doz cul slideshows Tobee haz bin puttin owd recently. Stay tooned!
I'm aboot tah ad a single new wurd, namely 'news->nooz' witch shud bring da count upe tah 909 (itz @ 908 nuhow). Dais numbah isn't pryme butz wun ov its factors iz da ever-popular pryme 101.
BTW, did u hear da 46th nown Mersenne pryme wuz recently discovered? Id earned da discoverers $100,000, haz 12,978,189 digits and iz equal tah 243112609-1. Zee humongous pryme.
A list ov awl da wurds in Inglish order iz at http://primepuzzle.com/blog/all.dic.lf
A list ov awl da wurds in Tobee order iz at http://primepuzzle.com/blog/all.dic.fl
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k
using the sep08.dic dictionary.
This is not translated cuz I have to leave soon but I just wanted to say thanks for all your comments on my sunflower and for the slide show. It's cul. I also just downloaded your latest version of Toby Speak. I DID hear about the discovery of that prime number too. Wow. Your "new" front door sounds nice and a slide show of that would also be cul.
Dais iz a bogus file witch juz kuntainz Amy's newest wurds, lyke Boodizm, Boodizt, beecaym, goaldin, raysheoh, fibownachee, numbahz, mizplayzed, and givez. Maybee wreeth (mye wurd) wiyill make id pryme ...
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k
using the sep08.dic dictionary.
PS - Chas - tanx 4 tanx and have a great day and I'll have that new door show up by the time you get home from work!
Tanx fur addig mye new wurds. I reelee lyke Leendabee'z new dor.
I meant to say Elbrad'z new door. Soree!
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