Monday, October 20, 2008

Star-Spangled Race

Da performance ov da Star-Spangled Banner at da Grate Punkun Classic 4 Mile Run yestahday (Trumbull) wuz reelee awezome.

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using a 1025 word dictionary.


Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Cul picchas and nyce videeoh Tineecee. Id luks lyke u had nyce wedder and foaleeage alzo. Ize hav bin tah lazee tah getz owd wid da camrah dais fall, maybee dais week Ize wiyill dew dat.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2l
The dishunary contains 1027 wurds.

BuBe said...

Looks like a great day and what a great way to dispatch your prize punkin!