Monday, October 20, 2008

Three Brain States

Ize suffer frum a mild case ov Tobeeidiz. Frum tyme tah tyme, Ize don't kno ow tah wryte korrektlee in Tobee. Zumtimez whin Ize am drivin mye cah Ize THINK in Tobee. At tiemz lyke dais Ize tink Ize may hav a splid catinality. Id shud be pointed owd dat "catinality" may NOT be a real Tobee (or Inglish) wurd. Id may best be added tah da Lebster's Dishunary however. Da wurd "splid" however iz a wurd Ize beeleev Ize (may) hav juz comed upe wid. Id might best goe into da Tobee Dishunary.

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using a 1034 word dictionary.


Tinyc Tim said...

Let's zee. Nutt onwy dew da faw ov us zeem tah "suffer" frum mild tah advanced cases ov Tobeeidiz butz nuhow I've diskoved Ize can't even teyell hoo da author ov a poast iz. Ize read dais wun and thod id wuz owah vewy own Tobee simply improving and expanding awn her/his former poast and enhancing his/her brayne graphic. Butz ov course nuhow Ize zee id iz owah vewy own Max and he's packing a few new wurds and a pritty brilliant treatise awn da veriuze shades ov Tobyalysis (kynde ov haff way between Tobeeidiz and Paralysis).

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using a 1034 word dictionary.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Tanx foah dais excellent explanashun and diagram! Ize tink catinality iz related tah purrsunalidy.

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using a 1040 word dictionary.

Tinyc Tim said...

Da badd nooz iz Ize had tah reemoove catanality frum da dishunary cuz purrsunalidy wuz awlready in da dishunary (witch Tobee's lazt comet made clear). Da gud nooz iz 1040-1=1039 iz pryme.

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using a 1039 word dictionary.