Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dance Partners


A lady invites 17 frends ova tah dance. Zhe givez everyone a numbah frum 2 tah 18 witch zhe pins awn their backs. Zhe haz da numbah 1 pinned tah er back. Everyone picks a dance partner. Someone notices dat if u ad da numbahz awn any two peeple dat r partners u getz a purrfek square. Foah eggzample, a given pair might hav 4 and 5 witch sum tah 9 witch equals 3^2 (a purrfek square).

Quezhun: Wat iz da numbah awn da back ov da hostess' partner?

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using a 1039 word dictionary.

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Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Ize am nutt gud enuff at math tah answer dais. Butz Ize wanted tah za dat Ize onwy zee two dots awn da di.

Translation by
using a 1039 word dictionary.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Nevah mind! Ize cleared cache and reopened Firefox and nuhow Ize zee three :-)

Translation by
using a 1039 word dictionary.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Ize hav a feeling dat dais must be a trick quezhun, cuz both 3 and 15 zeem tah wuk.

Translation by
using a 1047 word dictionary.

PS: Ize zee dais wuz a "Cah Tawk" puzzler quezhun, butz dey haven't posted da answer yetz, darn!

Tinyc Tim said...

Wel, you're makin progrezz. Gud foah u. 8 works too. Butz, recommember, da udda 8 couples must hav numbahz awn their backs witch sum tah purrfek squares alzo. Foah a person whose thawtz tend tah resemble doz ov a mathophobe, u zur r starting tah attack id.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2m
The dishunary contains 1048 wurds.

Tinyc Tim said...

Tobee Rewellz!


Ize tried tah poast dais az a comet awn da blog, butz "Blogger iz Unavailable" ryet nuhow. Zo Ize am e-mailing tah u cuz Ize am zo
excited dat Ize may hav figured owd a math problem :-)

(TcT: Ize am *so* pleased u r 1. excited and 2. attacking dais problem. Yur "Tobee" brayne iz nutt onwy evolving in a 'post' / 'poast'
sort ov way butz id iz beginning tah form complex math mollykewels. U r getting smartzer by da second. Seriously.)


Purrfek Squares r:

1^2=1 2^2=4 3^2=9 4^2=16 5^2=25 6^2=36

Da largest two numbahz added togetha iz: 18+17=35. Zo da largest purrfek square dat cayne be uzed iz 25. Dare4, no sum cayne be greater dan 25.

(TcT: Correct!)

Theah r three pawzible answers tah da quezhun:


(TcT: Correct again!)

Zo, if:

25-15=10, 15 cayne possibly partner wid 10 alzo.
25-8=17, zo 8 cayne alzo partner wid 17.
25-3=22, theah iz nobuddy wid da numbah 22.

(Tct: Hmmmm. Juz cuz two ov da three potential partners *could* be partners ov anothah person doesn't necessarily meanz dey *aren't* da partner ov da person wearing 1.)

Zo mye answer iz 3. Dais iz alzo supported by yur hint ov 17+8=25.

(TcT: 17 *has* tah pair wid 8 cuz id iz da onwy numbah in da range 1..16,18 dat cayne be added tah 17 tah form a purrfek square. Zo ... itz down tah 3 or 15.)

Dew Ize win?

(TcT: Nutt yetz. Unfortunately, da key requirement iz dat *all* partners must form purrfek squares. Zo u hav tah actually build a chaht ov numbah pairs witch 1. yews awl da numbahz frum 1 tah 18 and 2. sum tah purrfek squares. Don't give upe. Az u hav diskoved, theah r several possibilities foah summ ov da numbahz. U might tri listing awl
da pawzible partners foah each person and denn make a choice and zee if u run into trouble wid dat choice. And, if u dew, make anothah choice. Dais iz cawld da "exhaustive surch" or "brute force" method.)

Translation by Toby Speak Version 1.0.5.A using the oct08.dic dictionary.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Da answer iz 15!


Chip Bradley said...

Tobee, Ize hav bin following yur mathematical compootashuns and Ize am vewy impressed wid ow u did dem. Ize tried a few dings butz u zeem tah hav reelee bin narrowing dais ding down vewy eligentlee -- and mach betah dan eneedin Ize wuz coming upe wid. Nyce wuk! Yur GOLD stah iz vewy beeg and wel deserved.

Translation by
using a 1049 word dictionary.

Tinyc Tim said...

My friend Roger writes :

Nice puzzle Lee!

I finally had a chance to look at it tonight. Since the higher numbers had only one possible partner, it was just a matter of a process of elimination from there. I checked my answer against the blog and was glad to see they were the same. Interesting how the numbers 1 - 18 result in only one working combination. The Tobee speak makes my head hurt, but the puzzle was fun!


This is just a random thought from me (TcT) as I post this comment. I am typing this in Vermont, about to run The Kingdom Challenge 1/2 marathon. It's a point to point from Lyndonville to St. Johnsbury. En route north I was thinking it's probably a good time to, in the spirit of "how many ways are there to draw a 1000 point star?" ask "what's the number of Hottie Hostesss' partner if she invites not 17 friends, not 49 friends, butz 999 friends?"

Hint: I'm guessing a change or two in might take care of it. But then you'd have to be running the tiny-c interpreter and be a geek. Hmmm.

Actually, I bet it's possible to do w/o a computer. Did you notice how there's a pattern to the way 16 thru 18 all partner up with people to form the square 25 and 1 thru 14 all partner up with people to form the square 16? Could you generalize this for the 1000 people party, finding two squares and some "dividing point" to separate the dancers into two groups?