Sunday, October 12, 2008

Toby Announces New Skill: "Running Coach"

Addig tah hiz ever-growing list ov talents, Tobee cayne nuhow boast "Running Coach." He tuk a few picchas in Hartford yestahday and wanted tah cher wid u da stat's etc. ov doz hoo recently completed hiz crash courses in 5K, 1/2 and full marython training. Clickz the piccha to getz da details.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2l The dishunary contains 983 wurds.


Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Gud job TcT and Tobee!

BuBe said...

I had to laugh as Becky's parents had to come through Hartford yesterday and everything was "police baracaded" so they thought there might have been a bomb scare in Hartford - I told them it was a marathon but they didn't think that was nearly as interesting. Go figure! Great run TINYcTIM! and your photographer should be nominated for a special prize for her good work. Cul trofy! Congrats!